Theory of Free ENERGY for Dummies -

Chain Restaurants with Fun


Examining the global successful McDonalds chain-restaurant being efficient and fast oriented toward automated service, gave me a one notch higher idea. Visiting a restaurant managed by Babushka Egg Dummies Club, why not combine it with extra fun while dining. It will prove for the right entrepreneur when extra good will is given, the ELOHIM will bless our attempt to be rewarded with extra benefit to better serve a customer base visiting our establishment applying bible wisdom.   

Check out how a business could profit when good food is served while creating a special eating experience perhaps when friendliness is added with fun will establish a mini dining fellowship like a neighbor’s small party. In addition could expand into new adjacent ventures from recycled resources applying other Dummies Lessons getting bigger and more successful.

A. Mood Speller

Design an unusual place with good parking, my favored restaurant would be called a Salt-Mine entering a rusty iron door. History tells me in Europe salt was a commodity making money now converted to sell fun with food. As you enter a small cave ceiling room with sparkling white crystals curved walls and a huge fish aquarium full of trout and carp. That sets the mood of an experience. The welcome room with comfortable seats around the walls, a pretty hostess will asked a few question to some customers waiting for a table to assemble in a group to sit together for a dining experience. When available will lead through dimly lit corridor to a round caved room sitting shared with 10 people in the middle with a round table.

As everyone finds a seat you will be introduced by a hostess to reveal some tidbits who you are, visiting from what country…. to make you feel comfortable perhaps get a conversation started. When settled down will get menu picture books showing what you will order each dish with a number. The picture tells the story and shows the vegetable or fruit used in the presented dish. From here on every­thing is automated to have some fun while eating good food.

First something to drink … the number is programmed on handheld gismo and will surprise you when a model train shows up on your table, which was ordered. You can push the train around and stop at each seat to take what was ordered.

After the last person appointed sends the train back home. Pushing again the start button the train arrives with a free soup to get your appetite going. The broth soup is described in another Dummy pearl, which is cheap but very unusual.

Again with a lot of noise arriving another train model with some free appetizers delightful color display being special. Think what will make the train to come back with another order, a lot of tempting choices in the picture book. A picture is an international language even a child is happy to choose.

The bill is tabulated by your gismo control box linked to your Visa-card displaced and signed. Make sure the hostess pretty dressed and butters up the client to comeback with their friend with curtsey friendly questioning was everything all-right which is the last commandments.


Every information will be rewarded by management to make it better the next time. Leftover food on a plate is charged $2.00 Dollar extra and given to a charity food bank for hungry children. That will curtail waste or excessive eating.

B. Food Conservation

Everything what is collected in the kitchen, the garbage and byproducts from the farm will be steamed and recycled feed to hungry fish in a nearby swim­ming pool, which served daily fresh in the restaurant as an extra managed business. The pool bottom has a plastic belt that can be moved rolled out occasionally and scraped off what fish have eaten. When dried is packaged and sold as a potent fertilizer making extra money perhaps used in Lesson #23.   

C. The Food Served

The designer salad full of color is stored in ice-water and when served is centrifugal dried in a spinner severed right away in a small batch and mixed with a special salad dressing which cannot be screwed up. Check it out In Dummies Lesson #21.

After mixing the salad with the premixed vinegar solution add organic olive oil and serve right away. Absolute being fresh is the first commandment.

Various dishes can be served but the second commandment is; it must show (4) four colors. Many vegetables have color use your imagination with the right combination and watch not over cooked. Used a covered steam pot timed to second and add sauces spiced next not mixed. Apply the yin-yang principle with balance.

Charbroiled or cooked must be served fast on preheated double dishes on the outside wood to avoid hands being burned while handling a hot dinner plate passing to your neighbor. It has a hot flat stone in between two plates to keep the food warm while you eat with friendly conversation with your neighbor. Cold food is a NO-No.

Have a variety of small dish and cheap appetizers for a sweet tooth not over two bucks priced do not be greedy as a repeat business makes the money.

Your menu picture book can be sold with your name on it as tourist will tell coming home and have the address to show to their friends. Print it reasonable again avoid being greedy. Advertisement will bear fruit if it is worth it.

D. Automated Kitchen

In the kitchen which runs like a railroad yard. There a different stations each with a TV screen processing the order and send the train to a special cave table all supervised by a conductor watching the camera and the moving train to make sure the system works like a clock.

The motto from the bible bless anyone who is your guest will be rewarded either in this Daleth dimension, or the other side resurrected to live forever invited in Gods house to have some fun again one notch higher being enthralled to enjoy the fellowship of ELOHIM being his special guest, forever.

Once more, Genesis 1:3 is proven, if we think logically.
Free Energy will benefit Dummies

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