Theory of Free ENERGY for Dummies #33 -

Forbidden Cheap Energy

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Worldwide universities and institutions are forced to teach fake science being rewarded with massive grants from the Illuminati world bankers. In 1913 the US Congress granted great power to the newly appointed FED bankers to print a world currency. They quickly bought all the available gold to rule the world with absolute Evil. 

Previously oppressive European monarchies expelled countless Christians to America, but once free created a great nation applying divine Bible principles. A brilliant US Constitution was extended from a Magna Carta concept, which became a model to guarantee freedom never experienced before to people. It limited government oppression and historically unified true science and Bible wisdom taught in every classroom. It became worldwide the envy and greatest democratic experiment that blessed a 18th to the 20th Centuries Civilization. Unfortunately, it was short-lived due to FED bankers threatened by Christianity exposing Truth. Consequently during the last hundred years they instigated massive chaos among many cultures and murdered millions unleashed in World Wars to convert nations to obey their New World Order. They achieved it in this generation by enforcing an atheistic evolution religion degraded to relativism designed to destroy worldwide every culture especially Christian churches. The Torah-Bible prophesied that when Evil reached its absolute level, a world system will be judged again by God’s Wrath.

Every Fake-NEWS-media is controlled by FED bankers and internationally forbade every government to use free Energy discovered 100 years ago. But currently worldwide oil wells are running dry will force the global elite to allow some other hidden energy like solar - wind even Hydrogen or compressed air. Pay attention, the source of free infinite energy is revealed in (Gen. 1:3) that is proven in Nature by suppressed perpetually motion laws not allowed in fake science. Check the videos how it works, or Babushka Dummies Lesson #1.

3000 Watt Generator Powers Itself, Grinder & Drill Press

Modern universities created many “fake science Lies” postulating phantom dark energy costing billions of dollars printed every year by FED bankers. The sole purpose of teaching deception is to educate future generations to become brain-dead and bonus bureaucrats with high salaries to obey their world system.

LHC Particle Accelerator FERMILAB NEWS (April 11, 2017)

NYC banker became worldwide extremely powerful when they controlled the global energy usage embedded free in nature. Thus confiscated 400 patents of Nicola Tesla’s inventing electricity and silenced a German schoolteacher discovered splitting water into Hydrogen gas, an infinite ocean energy source.

Compressed Air Energy - Airbus A-380, is it a Jet Fuel Hoax?

The evil Illuminati bankers kept most high-technology secret, exempted from any environmental laws of nuclear- oil- fracking- coal- transgenic GMO and microwave. International experts warned many governments and cartels of the destructive affect it has on nature causing permanent massive Life extinction.

They're About to Unleash Their Final Phase - 5 G
(July 5, 2018)

Forgotten across California are major disasters struck in 2017. Literally whole towns completely burned with over 10,000 buildings totally incinerated to dust. Many businesses are gone forever in a mystery fire that melted everything like Aluminum in cars with temperatures over 3000°? The metal was so hot it spread like water across the pavement, but mysteriously each lot boundary still had green plants? The bureaucrats lied and said it was a forest fire, but the local fire professionals pointed to the street evidence never seen before. Fake NEWS blamed it on PGE, but some forbidden videos show when a large burst of deadly hi-tech 5G-microwave energy is suddenly turned ON, perhaps melted a roof unexpectedly in high temperature made from iron oxide sand, or shown in banned videos some military blue laser weapon? Very few had disaster insurance to replace a house, but being wiped out by a hi-tech mystery is also seen in other countries. Let’s hope that President Trump keeps his promise of draining the Federal Government swamp linked to a shadow Deep State, as Truth is stronger prevailing over Evil now prophesied will end as dated 2022.

The HORRIBLE TRUTH About The Northern California Fires (10-17-17)

Wireless electricity was censured for a hundred years, but is explained on a free web showing in true physics how an old streetcar DC motor generated its own energy, thus running in perpetual motion totally free. (Dummies Lesson #1) Even a not rotating transformer will gain energy, but all require a small, added crank to start a Perpetual Motion Law embedded in nature to enlarge forbidden free energy. Perpetual motion was discovered by Johann Bessler (1680-1745) who designed an Orffyreus Perpetuum wheel running forever. Hurry, many videos on Energy mentioned in Pearls or Dummies Lessons were censored in black by YouTube favoring deception intended to malign true science and keep the public ignorant repeating the Dark Ages, thus perish.

Why are free energy videos condemned on YouTube explained in Babushka Egg Book #9 disappearing fast, perhaps prohibited by corrupt governments? But many billionaires, like the Saudis announced recently want to discard a lucrative oil investment. To save a business looking at Hydrogen split from water and free electricity will operate future automobiles and high speed trains. Only Dummies Lesson #32 explain how jumbo jets fly with compressed air, or learn how concealed free electricity works in a Siemens jet-electro power generator fuelling container boats. But rush copy the video before disappearing.

Big Heads UP! Powering Down the World Electrical Grid

When Truth or physics is condemned by absolute Evil and is not balanced with the Torah-Bible will cause once more a prophesied Wrath of YHWH. Like free Energy forbidden to mankind is easily extracted from nature by applying outlawed perpetual motion law. Many YouTube videos showed modern Jets operating without petroleum now fly with compressed air once cranked will run forever. We all experienced when the airplane is landing and slowing down, the pilot will reverse the trust of the engine. However if the jet deflector is permanently mounted on a jet shaft and guide some air pressure 90° will rotate infinite just like a water jet wheel. Thus the turbine blades on the main axis will gain velocity and run forever by perpetual motion law linked to generating totally free Energy. But even electricity follows the same principle. When one copper wire winding is cranked by a small magnet or a 1 volt battery is instantly discharged in a capacitor, all will consequently increase the subsequent magnetic pulse bigger in the next winding. This multi repeated will create massive forbidden energy similar to a generator or like a transformer.


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