Pearl #300: Part 1 -

A Short Story of Creation - They Lie About Everything
A Flat Earth Awakening Story


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“Let us make man in our image.”
(Gen. 1:26)

Will YHWH the Creator allow it?


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This space will be occasionally changed when a new Babushka egg is discovered. Until the last prophecy terminated this civilization linked to the city of Jerusalem


Introduction to Pearl #300


Babushka Egg concept Pearl #300 was edited and rearranged many times perhaps amended not in logical order. Pay attention to the next coming Yeshua’s divine Kingdom of Light. It will terminate Satan’s domain and restrain Evil announced by the 7th Trumpet. (Rev. 11:15) Once more an ancient historic judgment for mankind is repeated worldwide like the atheistic corrupted society during Noah’s time (2288 BC). (Pearl #242, #269)

The Torah-Bible is the oldest book and was written to highlight the divine purpose to eliminate Evil, not permitted in a future Jod dimension. Thus, the Creator appointed a willing messenger with penname Jonah-II, an old scientist inventor from Germany, to announce once more an historic WRATH OF YHWH, as some organs of the Body of Christ are seen in public like (Billy Graham) and some are veiled like a bitter gall bladder. .

To better understand the Hebrew text (Genesis 1) let’s compare it with true science, which could interpret some perceptions in the Creation Creation story by repositioning verse 2 before verse 10 to reveal three (3) dimensions of a New Heaven-Earth. (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21:1) The first is a pre-existing Angelic or Heh dimension followed by earthly Daleth dimension being the history of mortals. It will be divided by a Teth Kingdom of Yeshua to serve like an incubator to initiate a third Jod dimension. The population of mankind was destined to increase for Eternity by the chosen Saints, added by a mini-pre-resurrected people receiving Probation grace for the “new Jod dimension”.  

So the Creator amended His Plan with two (2) Resurrections to replace the sinful nature of mankind redeemed to a higher level changed to a Second Adam race, the Saints and those getting legal Probation. The Daleth-Time links to the Hebrew calendar (6000-1000yr.) with three planned Apocalypses. 

The Creation plan foretold the termination of the 2nd atheistic world society when Evil spiraled to absolute as declared since 2008-2022 on the free web. Wicked Mankind this time was destined to be decimated by a divine stone from space (Dan. 2:36), which will end Satan’s Domain after 6000yr. and usher in a prophesied Eternal Kingdom. Disastrous events in nature were predicted by the Messiah Yeshua as explained in His four (4) Gospels now shown in many YouTube videos. According to Daniel, the fifth changeover empire will end in a life changing crescendo judgment of YHWH’s Wrath.   

The Arch-angel Lucifer and his demons transgressed Kosmos Law, and worse, some were genetically mixed with the human race at Noah’s time. Perhaps recessive genes will be restored after many generations in powerful giants linked to Bible history as observed by Moses in Canaan. Many large human skeletons were found in various countries, but now are censured on YouTube. Maybe they were trans-human-angels cast to outer darkness below the flat earth thus hating the Creator YHWH in absolute Evil. 

Therefore, to abolish evil the divine Godhead Yeshua needed to introduce “Death” demanded by Kosmos Law, hence he died visibly on a public cross, made for that purpose to pay for all Sin-trespasses. But restitution required ratification and only allowed for mankind on the temporal, material Daleth earth. Thus Satan, who rules the world system with his evil demons, maybe is linked to Pharisees & Scribes called by Yeshua “vipers” who could be the descendants of fallen humans-angel related to recessive genes.

They are identified in the Bible as sons of Lucifer of a beast of seven (7) heads with ten (10) horns. (Rev. 13:1) Hence demons have now the option to die if attached to a temporal Daleth mortality with a wicked World System.

When Daniel’s Abomination on the Temple Mount was predicted months ago dated (12-10-2019, p. 23), it matched the “death of the free web”. The computer YouTube platform removed 16 million videos suppressing Bible Truth and silenced true knowledge. Only fake science and deception is left from an evil world system. It will cause worldwide ignorance of humanity sliding back to the Dark Ages in spite of the many last warnings (2012) Babushka egg concept book # 10 - Elohim Jod Supreme Court.

The Creator YHWH will gather major nations together for judgment in the last Armageddon War, maybe starting Jacob’s Trouble with a huge missile attack? (Pearl #120) It will take seven (7) months to collect dead bodies of a perished atheistic world system that sent their foreign armies to destroy Islamic cultures and Jerusalem. Thus, the borders of a rescued redeemed Israel will be finally established from the river Euphrates to the river Nile promised to Abraham and forecast in many Torah-Bible events. (Gen. 28:13)

Otherwise, investigate worldwide nature that is permanently damaged with GMO mutations with modified animal and plant genes, causing much extinction. (Pearl #126) Thus, the last next events are two mortal Witnesses from heaven to give the signal for the WRATH OF YHWH to end Satan’s domain ruled by Evil announced by the 6th Trumpet. (Rev. 9:12-20) It will launch the prophesied Kingdom of Yeshua: hence consider your destiny!



Certain is our Death
Certain is divine Judgment
Certain is the WRATH of YHWH
Certain is for some a Resurrection
Certain is a divine Gift of Eternal Life
Certain is a New Heaven – New Earth,
the Jod dimension



Summary of Pearl #300

Babushka egg concept books projected the birth pangs (2008-2022 AD) of the Wrath OF God but used world calendars based on fake science. Only the Torah-Bible revealed: Why did YHWH create a temporal Time dimension? Thus exposed a future return date of Yeshua-Jesus with his millions Angels.

But many will disregard the option for “Eternal Life”!

A short Summary of Pearl #300 could be important for a hi-tech civilization educated in atheistic fake science, thus can no longer read or comprehend what was written by a pen¬named Jonah-II an inventor-scientist from Germany. The prophesied Endtime has now arrived, but why is the Plan for Mankind still veiled and not taught in most churches or Christian schools? Therefore divine Truth is censured on a YouTube Media with hundreds faked videos to keep the current generation ignorant. Only the Torah-Bible revealed true knowledge altered by denominations believing Satan’s deceptions. Atheistic web videos will not state Bible history like Yeshua saying to Satan, “It is written…” (Matt. 4:10) linked to Pearl #233 and the last Pearl #300 Part 1, 2, 3 plus added a Daniel’s Addendum recording prophesy insights which came in small stages to match the dial number of the World Cuckoo Clock on the last page.

  1. The Jod dimension = 10 was original planned to expand with much Life.

  2. But it became infected by Evil in a rebellion of the Archangel Lucifer.

  3. When Evil magnified, it triggered a correction by the Creator YHWH.

  4. To permanently remove Evil, YHWH created a Daleth “temporal time” Dimension in a Garden to continue eternal-life linked to two (2) Trees.

  5. But Adam-Eve violated divine Law: If sin - will die; therefore, Life for mankind is detoured only on earth and became linked to a Resurrection.

  1. There are two (2) resurrections: the Saints for a Jod dimension (1Thess. 4:15) and the other is given Probation, ruled by a Judge when Life was cut short. Many murdered souls, lots of babies’- families will live again on Earth.

  2. YHWH loved Mankind hence became visible for mortals prophesied in “Yeshua-Jesus” to pay for any Sin trespasses atoned on a historic cross. He fulfilled the demand of the cosmic law in a Zayin period linked to a Death & Resurrection cycle that removed Evil foretold at the Endtime.

  3. Thus, everybody since Adam had to be inoculated with a big dose of Evil as defined by the Ten Commandments, but each is uniquely rewarded and given an Eternal Life gift as judged by Yeshua-Jesus. (Matthew 5, 6, & 7)

  4. Therefore my wish is to be resurrected in the Teth Kingdom of Light to become a bond-slave Saint of Yeshua invited to a Golden City. (Rev. 21:10) I like to teach God’s Plan and educate that missed the Bible Truth to those given Probation to pass the final teeter-totter test. A Saint will be educated in divine Laws, thus specially selected to apply new Kosmos science. They will greatly benefit future societies, perhaps populating a newly created universe? Yeshua’s Teth Kingdom may have many laboratories purposed to redesign new life forms for a Jod dimension valuable for celestial Kibbutz-start-ups desiring some memorized favored pets?

  5. In the future Jod dimension I would like to be trained how the Kosmos physics work to have fun in a hobby job and once more a family with lots of kids. Eternal Life will be continued perhaps occasionally is invited to the traveling Golden City, the Star of Bethlehem. Pioneering new celestial start-up communities will always celebrate a royal divine visit in a big way with an extraordinary State-party to honor the Creator and his special guest. To be seated with Yeshua at his table is a very great privilege, maybe to discuss a project for an expanding Kosmos? I think it is still a challenge when Death is obsolete and watching that “Evil” will never happens again in new earth-heaven Jod dimension. A royal visit of the Creator YHWH is a special honor, who became visible to created beings in Yeshua-Jesus, can be touched like Thomas and communicate to hear his voice never experienced before. It is an uninterrupted opportunity to enjoy unknown blessings of eternal Life to guarantee a Jod existence. Previously Yeshua said, “It is inconceivable to a mortal Mind what is provided for his Elect.” (1Cor. 2:9) Many more surprises are waiting for those believing and trusting in Yeshua, which is the last option for mortals.

    To continue Yeshua’s divine race original designed with the fear of Death and the pleasure of Sex, now perverted by Satan. (Pearl #126) So question how else is the Kosmos expanded with more people to populate the new Earth-heaven? Yeshua said the angels to not marry, perhaps cloned, but read this unique Pearl #300 promoting new science concepts [Page-15] that outline patterns of a divine kaleidoscope for a future Jod dimension. 

    The main prophecy of the Torah-Bible recorded a final divine Apocalypse of a worldwide judgment to destroy a global FED banking system like Sodom & Gomorrah and finally wipe out Evil in YHWH-Wrath. Most Christian denominations still teach Satan’s deception & lies based on fake science no wonder they misread divine Truth. But a falsified web linked to fraud calendars is now informed that the Yeshua’s Kingdom is shortly on the way to fulfill the second half foretold restitution of the earth. Watch soon, the predicted New World Kingdom System is initiated from the Golden Jerusalem coming from space. What can you do if a Christian? Become educated and tell the atheistic generation facing certain Death of YHWH WRATH poured out again?

Why, How and When is the End of the 21st Century?
Pearl #270

A Short Story of Creation - They Lie About Everything:
A Flat Earth Awakening Story

Currently thousand of Christian YouTube videos are disappearing fast to eliminate the true Bible evidences, only fake science is allowed. Worse, the American Christian Church became comatose (Rev. 3:15) only few are awake. Please forward this Pearl #300 amended many times revealed in small steps never preached in Churches. I suggest if the web is still around duplicate this special Pearl soon and send it to your pastor or friends to spread the Gospel underground as the intent is rewarded.


Part 1: A Beth Mystery (Ex.3:14)

The celestial Torah-Bible curtain was opened a little to show the other side and begins Genesis with the letter “B - Beth" meaning duality or Vielheit in create Bereshyt. Perhaps the creation story is described from an Eve perspective revealing restitution, a rebirth of nature and restoration of all Life. Thus, a different viewpoint could explain that the invisible Light of an infinite Creator YHWH became visible in Yeshua-Jesus expressed in a dual nature, “Let us make man in our image.” (Gen. 1:26) This Pearl became three (3) parts to explain Bible concepts never preached in Christian churches. Part-1; how the future Kosmos expands, Part-2; who is mini-pre-resurrected and Part-3: Can Yeshua’s arrival be dated with a Daniel Addendum?

Pearl #300 is edited once more. It was not written in logical order but as revealed in small steps. Why were the Gospels perverted especially by the Catholic Church, blemished by many preachers of denominations and worse, presently in fake science? Historically the Pharisees & Scribes rejected Yeshua in conflict with Moses causing several times the Wrath of YHWH violating Kosmos Laws. But the Creator loved Mankind even after Adam initiated Death. The dilemma was solved when the infinite YHWH became visibly born as the Son, half mortal – half divine in Yeshua-Jesus to introduce the Gift of Eternal Life through a divine mysterious Resurrection. Thus everyone is evaluated after death in a teeter-totter test for the last “intent”. Daniel chronicled that Yeshua was presented to the highest Court in the Jod dimension (Dan. 7:9-14) to reveal the visible side of the Creator YHWH now legalized in Kosmos laws. The next worldwide system will be divinely governed by Yeshua the Christ, King of Kings - Lord of Lords.

Watch for the biggest current NEWS–The Kingdom of a Born King! Yeshua-Jesus is at the front door! It was designed as the Teth-Age and prophesied to last 1000 years [JC] being governed by divine laws. It will give mankind a Sabbath rest to live in peace with subdued Evil. The King of Kings will arrive at a most critical time to save Mankind and restore an obliterated polluted earth and document the greatest predicted Apocalypse. Satan’s domain will end and Lucifer is chained in the nether prison the only survivor but his angel-demons are totally eliminated forever. Read carefully how this future society will continue in a much larger upcoming Empire governed by “Righteous Divine Laws” and resume Yeshua’s Resurrection extended with inserted “Probation” never experienced before by mankind. But some might ask, “Who are the Sons of God?” (Rom. 8:14-39) 

I Found My Name & Destiny Hidden in Bible Codes!
Yacov Rambsel (3-29-2019)

Investigating the recent Apocalypse warnings, a pen-named inventor- scientist Jonah-II discovered forbidden historic facts affecting many high-tech governments destroying again mankind and nature the world over. He related the Torah-Genesis with true science showing that only two (2) dimensions exist linked to Heh-heaven and Daleth-earth. A flat earth will profusely reproduce abundant Life no longer cursed, therefore thriving with bountiful blessings for a much greater world population. (Isa. 65:17-25) Thus the future mortal society by applying divine wisdom in free schools and universities explained in (Rom. 8:1-14) will teach the Ten Commandments again to educate everybody in basic Freedom and Morality with Civility. True knowledge will reflect the character of the Creator YHWH.

He disclosed the most important issue of mankind explaining the origin of Evil to end in a temporal “Time” Dimension inserted only on earth. It started with a rebellion of the highest archangel Lucifer-Satan and incredibly one-third of the angel world believed Satan’s Lies and became wicked demons destined to live forever in outer darkness. To stop Evil budding to total cosmic chaos, the Creator introduced that “Time” is only temporary and documented the history of Evil on a 7000yr. (JC) Hebrew calendar. Only the Torah-Bible revealed the greatest event of a prophesied plan for Mankind appearing next, where Satan and his Darkness Kingdom is terminated in an Apocalypse to restore and again balance a new Jod dimension (1 Thes. 5:1-10)

A New World Order Placenta
(Zech. 5:7, Isa. 33:1)

The nature of Evil is like a placenta separated by a holy YHWH. It can be linked to a corrupt, sophisticated fraud enforced by FED-IMF Illuminati banker cartels. They print yearly zillion fiat dollars ever since 1913 and fabricated massive grants to finance every “WAR” which corrupted global politicians, setup shadow governments and funding huge military industrial complexes. Half the world’s population is employed with obscene salaries to produce horrible high-technology weapons only to recycle the illegal capital back in government bonds and stock market casinos. They have programmed everybody in atheistic fake science deceiving everybody and planned to devastate totally this earth, destroy nature and specially mankind.

If you want to be informed who rules the global village, examine some freelance, fast disappearing YouTube videos linked to the US, UN and their military EU cartels. They all cause massive destruction of the whole earth. Like NASA exposed many lies showing faked Moon landings or simulated airplanes crashing in NYC-9/11, satellites hanging on balloons, and thirty-two (32) fictitious subatomic particles to imitate science of CERN. Destructive high technology is blamed on Global Warming concealed in hundred rackets. Everything is intended to suppress Bible Truth, like mega cheap Energy. Why was the German schoolteacher Hoffman silenced for splitting water into a clean free Hydrogen gas and covered up 300 patents of Nicola Tesla to suppress extracting free Electricity from copper coils & magnets? But promote deadly fracking to squeeze the last dirty Oil? Many GMO patents dismally failed that modified food-seeds and animal genes. It created a world production food shortage that collapsed grocery inventories from six months to three days. Worse, employed HAARP converted to microwave military weapons aimed at the jet stream to cause enormous deadly floods or droughts and burn many California towns blamed on forest fires. It politically upset the world economy with millions of refugees walking from shattered neighborhoods to escape death. Nuclear radiation leaking from every fraud electric power station was covered up, killing all Life in the oceans. Consequently, when international universities showed pictures of modified Trans-Human hybrid aberrations mixed with animal Genes, they elevated Evil to a maximum. So many deceptions are produced in Hollywood movie studios to keep the world population ignorant.

Therefore pay attention! The global Illuminati bankers causing massive Life extinction determined to end an ignorant civilization, thus will only repeat a historic judgment of YHWH Wrath. It will all match the recent disasters of prophesied divine events exposed in Babushka egg concept books and Pearls, maybe true science could date Yeshua’s Kingdom after 2022 AD?

Why a Temporal Daleth Time Dimension?

The universe was planned and created exclusively by and for YHWH. (Genesis 1:1) The Creator is unseen to mortal eyes, thus revealed a deity-union in Yeshua-Jesus the Christ, identified as the Word (John 1); thereby became visible in human existence articulated in a { - } Hebrew Alphabet Number System, (1+20+1). More is shown in Babushka Egg concept books and pearls linked similar to the caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly in nature.

Perhaps a different overlay story of a Genesis creation could be illustrated in true science. (Gen. 1:6) describes Mem = 40 - “water” meaning “Time” now is embedded in an infinite designed Kosmos. Hence the Creator separated the Angel firmament Heh-heaven dimension like an outer eggshell, but focused on the inner yolk, a Daleth Dimension. (v. 2) To prepare a temporal home for a future mankind, the Spirit moved over a dark domed flat-earth surrounded with ice walls and used vegetation seeds to germinate with ∞ light on the 3rdcreation day. To make it stable for life inserted a sun-moon reflecting stars (crystals) on the 4th day. It revealed the purpose for a Kosmos to be re-born and resurrected into a new upgraded heaven-earth of a Jod Dimension (Rev. 21) like beautiful feather genes of a big Peacock egg.

The Genesis report is linked to a disaster when the highest ruling Arch-angel, Lucifer, rebelled violated Kosmos Laws. It caused chaos among 1/3 of Angels in an (Egg) universe created to live forever; thus evil-demons were judged to live under the earth. To restore a Kosmos in righteousness again the Deity Yeshua-Jesus modified His Creation-Plan and started a replacement with mortal mankind recorded in the Torah-Bible - Chapter 2.

YHWH designed a temporal Daleth dimension to deal with a corrupting evil opposing the divine order and utilized Satan to test mortals in “Good or Evil”. Two Tree-options were given to Adam & Eve, similar to a detour on earth, or resume Life directly to a Jod dimension. Thus Adam chooses the bypass now settled by a teeter-totter balance after a cocoon death before a White Throne. To show how the teeter-totter balance works read the story of Lazarus in heaven, the rich man in Hell (Luke 16:19) separating Mankind. Violating Kosmos laws is either ending an existence with a 2nd Death, or is rewarded with a resurrection Gift of Life, but many are given Probation during Yeshua’s Kingdom explaining the purpose in Pearl #300. (Page 8)

Breaking Kosmos laws is solved by a visible deity, a divine Son Yeshua who paid it in full, predicted by a supernatural birth in a town of Bethlehem, a public death on a horrible cross, to be confirmed by the First Resurrection and proven by an unbroken genealogy to Adam. Therefore mortal mankind if not evil, is guaranteed a free Gift of Eternal Life documented in 300 Prophecies in the oldest divine book, the Torah Bible. Every utterance by (40) prophets was recorded by a scribe like a tape-recorder, perhaps were detailed by veiled angels? Otherwise tell me how the book of Enoch, Job was recorded or when Yeshua was tested alone by Satan in the mountain, or how Revelation was chronicled and dated by different heavenly clocks?

The Creator YHWH will finally terminate this Satan controlled Civilization in a divine Wrath ending in an Apocalypse Crescendo and employ again his method of judging Evil, like Noah’s civilization 2288 BC, Fire to raze Sodom-Gomorrah, or Israelis recent Jacob Trouble, expected before 2022 AD.

Yeshua's Kingdom is the Fullness of Time

A totally new Teth-society will evolve in Yeshua’s kingdom after a short Apocalypse Chet-Age: Satan is finally locked up ending a Zayin-Age, a Darkness Kingdom that he invisibly governed for 6000 years.  A mighty and evil Angel Lucifer is lastly judged and put in the nether prison as a lone survivor as all his millions demons are terminated. Rev. 9 shows the end of Satan’s rule and every religion he created that demon possessed Islam and many Popes to murder billions of families Christian and Jews in genocide to shorten Life. Illuminati bankers obeying Lucifer’s deception combined (2) religion into CRISLAM to corrupt free Salvation perhaps declared on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? The challenge of unchanging righteous Law during mortal Life in a Daleth dimension is only solved with a free Life-Gift from the Second Adam Yeshua to guide us in the right divine compass direction. (1 Cor. 15:45; Heb. 10-11) Just make sure He knows your name and state Not Guilty given mercy to Life plus a great prize, a personal audience with the Creator YHWH. (Pearl #888)

Therefore embedded Evil in nature is reduced when Yeshua-Jesus comes again as promised now with extraordinary splendor and millions of angels. He will direct his divine cosmic power to establish a godly civilization to facilitate survival governed by cosmic divine laws and live with mortal Mankind for a thousand years. His footstool – a flat earth encircled with ice walls will be fully restored to its former splendor closing a Teth-Age designed in a mirror image of a bigger new Kosmos Jod dimension. (Pearl #289)

Thus, redemption begins midpoint centered in Time embedded in the Plan for Mankind. It focuses on Yeshua-Jesus being shrouded in mortality to atone for the Evil violating YHWH’s creation governed by divine absolute laws. He allowed evil mortals to horribly torture his human body. They nailed Him on a cross to hear His final uttered words, “Forgive them; they do not know what they do…” declaring then the divine purpose applied to mankind, “Today you will be in my kingdom.” Satan did not succeed to take Yeshua’s life, not possible, as the giver of all Life shouted, “IT IS DONE!”

His death was confirmed by Roman soldiers lancing his heart fearing a merciless system, but the whole town of Jerusalem was stirred by an unheard Resurrection of a labeled “King of the Jews” stated over the cross by Pilate. The unknown resurrection evidence became the biggest surprise proven in true science in an empty hollow mummy shell. (Mark 15:44-46)

Late about 3pm on the Sabbath, Pontius Pilate and the Jewish Senate were perplexed how a guarded dead body disappeared from a solid resin shell without showing any fractures. Wealthy influential Joseph and Nicodemus of the Sanhedrin donated 100 lb. of expensive material for a solid hardened mummy case leaving only a small face hole for identification. (John 19:38, Mat. 27:52) They desired to preserve the greatest teaching ever practiced in Israel. Thus, YHWH declared the greatest “First Resurrection” mystery to reveal a new Jod-Dimension where absolute Evil was terminated to balance and restore a Kosmos remembered throughout eternity. (Rev. 11:15)


The Apocalypse survivors will get ready for a new program by Yeshua, who sent seventy (70) disciples (Luke 10) to tell that his kingdom is near, to heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead. It forecast what the Saints further educated will do for a new civilization by the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. He will rule und guide His kingdom of seventy (70) future nations and coach all people in true science by training everybody with much knowledge based on wisdom. Evil will be very restrained causing diseases, pain and sorrows to fade forever, preparing everyone for a Jod dimension.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Current TV videos documented detailed prophesied events (Matt: 24-25), but now is censured by YouTube to keep everybody ignorant until the web finally disappears. Thus hurry and copy Babushka concept egg Pearls of suppressed information. Every prophesied Woes has turned out, only Satan is still fighting a war in heaven, but his demon-angels living in nether-darkness are seeking “Death” a better option, only possible in a Daleth earth dimension.(Rev.9) To die will evil possess mortal’s now occurring and favor Islam terrorist, angry demonstrators or killed by shadow governments? Just count back (8) years [JC] to {9/11} starting the 150 Heh days. (20x150/365.24)

Most theologians still lecture false theologies evolved from the Dark Age that blinded mostly the Mind of Christian’s educated in atheistic fairytales. Fake science has been enforced by Illuminati FED-IMF banker cartel printing fiat money applying the golden rule permitted by Presidents and US Congress since 1913AD: He who has the Gold - rules. It became the most effective system for Satan to oppose the creator YHWH to destroy all of mankind and the earth, linked to wicket mortals possessed by demons. 

For one hundred years the Illuminati FED-IMF world banker cartel caused every World War and instigated many conflicts in religious societies. Many diversified cultures were shattered and murdered millions in genocide. They financed institutions supporting dictators, any evil despots or creating many global shadow governments to control worldwide every military cartel developing horrible weapons with advanced technology. Evil FED bankers paid huge international grants to every global university to suppress true science teaching Satan’s lies and deception for over 100 years. It is aimed to kill all of mankind and destroy the earth, the environment of oceans, land and air. 

Now open prayers and the Bible are forbidden worldwide in Public Squares to smother divinely revealed Bible Truth. To be silenced and compliant religious leaders became super rich with a tax-free status, many got corrupt. Sadly it will make the next generation of a world population brain dead, educated in fake science promoted in universities or by NASA. Said on TV, every Moon walking video got lost? What disappeared was produced in a Hollywood movie studio of faked astronauts walking on replica moon pictures with bogus globe & planets, satellites that hang on balloons tracked by a phantom space Hubble telescope? It got worse still suppressed in the NEWS: A totally Free Energy (Hydrogen-Electricity) unlimited in nature. Babushka concept eggs collected much evidence fully ignored by a world system and blinded theologians. Why not check the main warnings of a Jonah-II in Pearl #300 now ending this atheistic high-tech Civilization in a great noisy Crescendo. It is dating the last WRATH of YHWH censured on a fading web, hopeful will widen knowledge horizons. A (Neh. 8:1-18) feast will be duplicated in Yeshua’s Kingdom after the 7th trumpet 2022 AD.

Reflection on the Plan for Mankind
(Ps.139, Job 27:13-23)

The Kosmos is still in the developing stage not yet restored. During the last century much of the Torah-Bible was concealed by fake science similar to when the Madonna painting was X-rayed revealing underneath an original person, or like the Shroud of Turin showing a reversed image of a crucified Jesus caused by his resurrection. Thus many atheists and theologians disregard the true history of mankind linked to Bible stories with veiled knowledge vital for the development of the next hi-tech generation. (Mark 4:4-20) Only the Torah-Bible recorded the purpose and echoed spiritual realities on why the universe exists. When divine Truth is rejected, one is ignorant that the Creator YHWH loves mankind but must judge Evil. Hence, they will not know how the future Kosmos will expand with Eternal Life or how nature is fuelled with infinite Energy (Gen. 1:3) designed to maintain complex Life. All will perish in a prophesied Apocalypse event as controlled by divine Law, especially when mankind has become so evil again.

The Bible revealed that Satan and his angels were created cloned, which perhaps caused a rebellion to find out who is loyal to YHWH. But for a higher purpose He formed mortal mankind on a two (2) cycle arrangement that divided the universe into two (2) races. He introduced procreation to replicate millions of Life forms on earth, but gave Adam-Eve a superior Mind to subdue and manage nature. Let us make mankind in our image. (Gen. 1:26) Thus the Creator restricted Evil by inserting a temporal “Time dimension” on earth. Dual Beth coin sides will reveal his divine purpose linked to Good-Evil, Life-Death, Paradise-Hell and offered two (2) options: Mercy unto Life or Mercy unto Death related to a teeter-totter balance to continue the intended Eternal Life with a 3rd Saints race after the Resurrection.

The first couple was told to be fruitful but did not pass the loyalty test and chose eternal Death over eternal Life. YHWH allowed the human race to continue on a detour two-cycle system similar to a caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly in nature to give everybody a chance to live-forever. In addition many butterfly-souls have the option to assemble like in one place Mexico. Hence millions mini-pre-resurrected Souls arrived on earth to resume “Life” offered by the Creator obtained by Probation. It is linked to a special salvation Gift that pardoned every Sin-debt for a balanced restored Kosmos.

To show that mankind is loved, the Creator YHWH became visible half-mortal half-divine explained with a familiar imaged concept as a “Son”. Adam-Eve was promised a seed that became historical reality in the life and death of Yeshua - Jesus Christ as recorded in Jerusalem history. It verified that His “Resurrection” will end a Daleth “Time” dimension. Thus His death divided an ancient Temple-curtain revealing on the other side a divine purpose to prove and validate Eternal Life. But to control Evil, YHWH responded again with His divine Wrath prophesied in a next Apocalypse. Watching His Creation, He will judge this sinful generation destroying Life and Truth until His purpose is settled in a Jod Dimension. (Pearl #233)

Thus, the Plan of Mankind (Pearl #888) ended in a 7000-year Hebrew calendar rooted on seven (7) creation cycles.The divine Kosmos laws were reduced in a plain code of Life being simplified to the Ten Commandments embossed in stone to bless all of Mankind until the Endtime. (2 Tim. 3:1-9)

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